Moving into the garage and outdoors allowed me to meet my next two goals, all grain brewing and full wort boils. While I had some decent beer made indoors, it was just a stepping stone. As I got further into the art of brewing I found myself scanning the net reading blogs, forums, and taking in the advice and experience of the collective community of home brewers. I wanted to be a part of it. First thing was I needed a “brewing sculpture”. At this point I didn’t have much of an idea exactly what that would cost. I quickly learned that what I wanted, I couldn’t afford; so I decided to build it myself. I knew that I wanted a system that was all on one level and employed a recirculation method. By recirculating my wort I could use the grain bed as a filter to get the cleanest possible wort. This also made it possible to add a RIMS unit if necessary. I decided to utilize two 10 gallon Rubbermaid water coolers as my Hot Liquor Tank (HLT) and Mash Lauter Tun (MLT). Coupled with a new 10 gallon Polarware brew kettle, 100,000 BTU banjo burner, and March pump I found on Craig’s list I had the beginnings of my system.
After much consideration and shopping around I decided to build a wooden brewing platform on casters. The platform surfaces are made of a butcher block type surface with a Plexiglas overlayment on every surface except for under the brew kettle. Under the brew kettle I used a single section of 18*18 ceramic floor tile. All of the wooden frame and surfaces have multiple coats of Minwax Stain with Polyethylene to seal the surface. To date this has provided a durable and easy to clean platform. Approximate cost for the platform, $300, mostly from Lowes.
The picture above is the rough frame version 0.9
To the right is the final system ( version 1) fully involved. You can see the wort from a Pilsner I am brewing recirculating. Version 2 that went into production in December 2011 added a plate chiller and additional plumbing and valves to eliminate disconnects/moving lines and to create a clean (no drip / spill) brewing day. If you look closely you'll also see a dimmer switch used to control the motor speed. Both the MLT and HLT have temperature gauges placed just above the spigot valves. I found that with this configuration I would lose only 1-2 degrees of heat over one hour without recirculating and 2-3 degrees with recirculation. I usually run the recirculation for only the final 10-15 minutes of mashing and also as part of the sparging processes; thus I have not added a RIMS unit to my stand.
This is also the time I moved to using software to design my recipes. I chose BeerTools Pro 2.0. My first brews focused on full wort boils using partial mash techniques. After a few of these, and a Gold Medal in the Dominion Cup for my Oktoberfest 2010 with an average score of 45, it was time to move to all grain brewing. I decided to go to all grain for a few key reasons, one I felt that using Malt Extract was cheating as the brewer gets to skip the wort creation process. Secondly, I wanted full control over my ingredients and flavor profile. Finally, malt extract is more expensive than grain.
As I started working with all-grain I ordered my grains crushed by the supplier; usually Midwest Supplies or Northern Brewer. I found that sometimes they would miss performing the crush or crush inconsistently and I would get either powder or barely cracked grains. Both caused brew day issues and clogged false bottoms. What did I learn? First get a grain mill and crush your own, second always check your order upon receipt, not on brew day, and third I modified my false bottom and haven't had a problem sense. I'll show that trick later.
Into 2011 I completed version 2 of my brewing platform and moved to BeerSmith 1.x. I have since upgraded to version 2.0 and I love it. As mentioned previously Brewstand 2.0 incorporated the grain mill, additional plumbing, and a chill plate in place of the immersion chiller. This past year I've brewed over 20, 5 gallon batches of beer with this configuration and get pretty good efficiency out of it (70+%), great results including a silver medal in the AHA regional competitions for my Irish Ale
Finished System below: