Over the years I’ve come to realize that I have a passion for science, design and expressing that in a creative way. That may explain why my chosen career has been in the field of technology and architecture. Brewing beer or architecting technology solutions both require technical skill blended with creative expression. With brewing, the intersection of skillful design and creativity results in a well crafted beer that has an inner beauty, it’s simple in design, its elegant, balanced, and satisfies a desire; it can stand the test of time. That’s what Mill Road Craft Brewing is all about; finely crafted beers, not the latest trend or extreme beer, which are based upon the fusion of classic styles and inner creativity.
The journey begins:
Charting my own course and being my own boss has lurked in the back of my head for many years. However, starting and running a brewery is a fairly recent development over the past three years. I’ve always been a curious person and I love to know how things work, and that’s how it started with beer and brewing. A few visits to Capital Ale House got me asking these questions; why are there so many different beers on this menu? What’s the difference between them, and can I possibly drink them all? I can say with 100% surety that I have the answers and no, I can not drink them all; believe I have and continue to try. This leads to the next logical step, brewing it myself… how hard can it be right?
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